A very long time ago, the Greyrealm was my personal blog. Written during a particularly tumultuous time in my life, the blog became an outlet for me. It was a place to share thoughts, dreams, frustrations, failures, and fears. It traced my own path out of trauma—a journey that never truly ends—while also documenting the many (many) mistakes I made during that journey.
I pulled that site a long time ago1. Time moved on and so did everything else. This site remained empty, filled with place-holder content and nothing more. I didn’t really know what I wanted to do with the site. I wasn’t comfortable letting the domain expire, but I didn’t really want to use it again. My personal and professional content had already moved to Text and Hubris and other sites. Posting here would have been, at best, redundant.
So why now? Well, Ryn. Ryn is a game world that I created around the same time as the very first Greyrealm. During the pandemic, the few of us from that time along with a few new faces decided to play a 5th Ed. D&D game. I offered to run, and had been playing with the idea of returning to Do’Ryn. The world is drastically different and the events of those original games are more imprints in legend—distorted echoes—rather than distinct lore. We’ve been playing for a little over a year now, and as the game has evolved, I have started to add additional hooks for one- shot adventures and other games throughout the world.
This is not really a surprise, but Discord is not the best for longer content. I also realized that I needed a place to share my role-play content. An old man I may be, but I still love telling stories with people, online and off. I really haven’t allowed myself the time to do that, and maybe I should.
So, Greyrealm is reborn as a new site with a new purpose. I don’t expect posts to be regular here. They are not even regular on Text and Hubris. I hope to find a rhythm, though. I suppose that remains to be seen.
Until next time…
- Geoff (2023)
I have most of the old posts saved away; although, I do think of deleting them from time-to-time. ↩︎